Structure Of Seminar

  1. Observation as a method of studying the development of an infant in the home a naturalistic setting as against the usual practice of studying the infant in a laboratory or clinical setting. Again the focus of the observation was the experience of close emotional interaction between the mother and child. The observation of students is thus exposed to a whole range of emotions, including some painful feelings. Understanding his or her own experience and reflecting on them is what forms the core of this experiential learning. This method differs fundamentally from the reading of text-books on children development. Observations are encouraged to see and feel rather than simply to learn and attempt to apply theory.
  2. These seminar’s aim is to enable the training to apply observation skills and theoretical concepts that are gain from the study to their current work situation. Trainees can bring accounts of their existing work from a variety of setting including working as counselor at schools/ colleges, working as a teacher, working with deprived children in children’s homes, or working with special groups of children such as hearing or visually impaired children, street children, children in slums and physically and mentally challenge children. These seminars provide an opportunity to understand at greater depth, the various interactions that take place in working situation. These interactions include interactions with the client group and also our relationship with our colleagues and the management of the organization work situation raises various anxieties in us of many different kinds. There is often little opportunity in the place of work to feel supported to bear these situations. Discussions in peer group settings in these seminars are often found to be a valuable in way of sharing and understanding our worries. This in turn, can lead to an enhancement of the personal growth and carrier development of the trainee.
  3. Some professionals such as Educational, Teachers, Remedial Teachers, Nursery Staff, Social Workers and Pediatricians, Psychiatrists, Wish to Continue to work in their exciting fields with an in depth understanding of their interaction and dialogues with their clients. This is achieved by developing an indepth capacity for observation and introspection which leads to a deeper capacity for thinking about their clients.
  4. GPTRC is  working for adolescent and younger generation and children in orphanages, children from slums, children’s homes face a considerable degree of stress in working in these situations. The observational studies provides the person with a degree of contentment by the small seminar groups or work shop arrangements which enables them to feel contained and think further about their experiences at work.
  5. Students and all the children, parents, young people and adult may also be interested in development their understanding of psychoanalytical thinking. This study provides theoretical and experiential settings for understanding the development and scope of psychoanalytical concepts.
  6. It is very easy to attend the seminar, workshop or training program for every person. It is important to note that GPTRC kept suitable charges even for the poorer section of the society. So that they are not deprived of such an important test. This is an unique example of its kind. On the contrary there is trend to charge heavily for such test and discussion. Surely this organization should be credited for such an important activity. We strongly hope that this ‘Self Reflection Tool’ shall help the students to make appropriate changes in their personality.

We strongly hope that GPTRC will try its level best in conducting such type of sessions for the wider interest of the society and best designing “Self Reflection Tool” on various dimensions personality traits.